Local State Senator counts down final days in office


As a lame duck state legislature rushes to pass several bills between now and the end of the year, our local State Senator is reflecting on his combined 14 years of service in both chambers of the State Capitol. 25th district state senator Phil Pavlov is putting the finishing touches on his final term in office due to term limits. Pavlov was first sent to Lansing as a State Representative, then moved to the State Senate to take the seat of term limited Judd Gilbert. Pavlov tells WPHM that we could expect to see some changes to the state’s term limits down the road. “I think at some point in the future the voters in the State of Michigan are going to have a chance to modify term limits,” said Pavlov. He adds that personally, he’s supportive of term limits as it has lead to his current position. Come January, current 81st district State Representative Dan Lauwers will make the move from the house to the senate to fill Pavlov’s seat. As for the future for Pavlov, he tells WPHM he would like to remain connected to state politics.


Full interview between Paul Miller and Phil Pavlov: