Developer seeks rezoning, incentives for new apartments


An ordinance that could pave the way for a new hi-rise housing development in Port Huron had its first reading last night. After being turned down by the planning commission earlier this month, council decided to take up a request to rezone a block bound by Erie, Lincoln, and Rawlins Streets from multi family residential to hi-rise residential. That would allow for the development of the Lincoln Avenue Lofts, which is being proposed by the Community Housing Network (CHN).

“This is probably our most beautiful product we’ve put forth so far,” said Greg Holman, Real Estate Development Acquisitions Manager for CHN. “When we came to Port Huron about six or seven months ago, we talked to the planning department about the need for more housing… the State of Michigan just passed a new hosing plan that talked about the need for rental housing, that’s what we do, and that’s why we are here.”

Community Housing Network is also seeking a Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) exemption through the Michigan State Housing Development Authority. If granted, the developer would pay 7% of annual rental income to the city each year instead of local property taxes. PILOTs are popular incentives often offered by municipalities to encourage more low and middle income housing. A second reading and enactment could take place at the November 13th city council meeting.